A long time ago, about 2 years ago, I ordered many, many 5" square pieces of quilting fabric from ebay. The prints were ok, and there were colors I wouldn't have dreamed of picking up on my own.

I've been pondering the idea of a quilt with flying geese on it. I knew I had seen an easy way to piece these blocks on Simply Quilts (yes, I do watch craft television...) and found this tutorial. Great -- except my blocks were 5" squares, and the measurements wouldn't allow me to make 4 flying geese blocks from 2 squares. I fiddled with the measurements and came up with 2.5" small squares and 4.5" large squares, which result in a 1.5 x 3" finished block.

I mixed and matched squares of color with a loose idea of a theme. I divided the pile up into lighter and darker squares. Then I tried to match a dark green with a light yellow or blue (the adjacent colors in the color wheel). A red block would be matched with purple or orange, a blue matched with green or purple, etc.
Here are the blocks, which will be the center portion of the quilt. There are nine rows and each row measures about 2.75'. I have already ordered some great solid fabric to set between the rows of geese and I have a border waiting, ready for the next step.
Wow. That's amazing!
That's so lovely! Is that a featherweight that you are quilting on?
It lookd good like it is already!
Holy #$%^&( !! I can't believe you sewed that many geese already! Can't wait to see the finished product, that's for sure!
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